
Product Introduction:


Insulation monitor, AC/DC-networks

The SIM-Q MKII monitors the insulation resistance between the connected network and an earth/safety cable. Using a unique measuring principle,  it measures the insulation resistance in both AC and DC networks. 

The SIM-Q MKII is particularly suitable for high-end monitoring of AC/DC networks characterised by high leakage capacitance. A low frequency (LF) version of the SIM-Q MKII is available for thruster systems with 5-20Hz frequency variations.

The SIM-Q MKII uses a patented measuring method, where a ±25 V DC voltage is superimposed to the system being monitored. To be able to eliminate the influence from the monitored network capacitances and AC/DC components, the SIM-Q MKII performs an automatic measuring cycle that will compensate for these.

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